Environment, Health & Safety

We strive to create and maintain a healthy and safe working environment for our employees. We are an ISO 14001:2015 (EMS) and ISO 45001:2018 (OHSMS) certified company.

Environment Management: MCL is committed to ensure an eco-friendly environment by establishing, maintaining and continually improving an environmental management system with specific emphasis on continually improving the environmental management system to enhance environmental performance, Complying with all applicable legal and other requirements, Continually improving on our EMS performance by active participation of all our employees, Controlling construction waste and low emission pollutant to air, water and land, Sustain a program of continual improvement in environmental performance incorporating suitable measurement and monitoring mechanism.

Health: Our commitment to occupational health has the highest priority and is an integral part of all our business activities. We promote and maintain highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all our business activities. To achieve this objective, basic amenities and awareness regarding Occupational Health are being provided as per health & safety regulations. MCL is ensuring that employees are consulted and encouraged to report any Occupational Health risk and Management is committed to initiate corrective measures to maintain a healthy workforce.

Safety: Safety is a core value at MCL, and we continue to work towards achieving our vision of everyone going home safe and healthy every day. To achieve our ultimate goal i.e. Zero Harm, we strictly enforce our EHS code of conducts, EHS SOP and other EHS guidelines. Risk Analysis, EHS Trainings, Motivational programs, EHS Campaigns, PPE Management, Competent supervision etc. plays a vital role to achieve this goal. MCL is ensuring that employees are consulted and encouraged to participate actively in all elements of the EHS Management System.